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Home » Messageboard » XXX » Message 450970 (Thread)

# that is
just completely fucking GEEENIIIAAAARSE.
(, Thu 31 Oct 2002, 15:33, archived)
# nooooooo
the poor little paramouse.
(, Thu 31 Oct 2002, 15:37, archived)
# don't worry
they're only playing. They're friends really.

It's not like Intense Kitty is going to smack paramouse about a bit, toss him in the air a few times for fun and then eat him.

(, Thu 31 Oct 2002, 15:50, archived)
# phew.
i spotted our mouse terry for the first time in ages last night. i thought he'd gone off us or something.
(, Thu 31 Oct 2002, 15:53, archived)