A vectory one - company logo
all very conservative (with a small c) I'm afraid - and I'm shit at them. Don't think the clients would enjoy a logo designed by me somehow! ;)
How much? And the logo?? ;)
iwannabeabonobo has been buying lots of gadgets this weekend,
Tue 3 May 2005, 14:30,
no probs
25 smackers
u still interested?
Betty Bo Bibster,
Tue 3 May 2005, 14:32,
Drop me a mail - addy in profile - and I'll reply with details etc.
iwannabeabonobo has been buying lots of gadgets this weekend,
Tue 3 May 2005, 14:38,
ok I also just updated my profile with my e-mail
Betty Bo Bibster,
Tue 3 May 2005, 14:43,