Can vouch for this too... I used to work at King's Cross station and the announcement went off at the same time the intermittent fire alarms did - rough translation 'Get ready to scarper'!
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Sun 24 Nov 2002, 15:12,

Code 10 - Tills are fucked - all gone down together. Security staff to report immediately to frontend.
'Mr. Head to the front door' - All able-bodied members of staff RUN to the front door, someone has just chored something.
Code 99 - Bomb scare. All members of staff to report to conference room IMMEDIATELY with exception of till staff and till managers. NB. The company expects volunteers to actually LOOK for the fucking thing (if necessary) before calling in the cavalry.
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Sun 24 Nov 2002, 19:40,
'Mr. Head to the front door' - All able-bodied members of staff RUN to the front door, someone has just chored something.
Code 99 - Bomb scare. All members of staff to report to conference room IMMEDIATELY with exception of till staff and till managers. NB. The company expects volunteers to actually LOOK for the fucking thing (if necessary) before calling in the cavalry.

Now in the good old days of Tescos when cashiers were positively encouraged to chuck everything down the checkout as fast as possible, you sometimes got a till message 'For Mr Robinson' which meant the card was nicked and you got 50 sheets if you held onto before the pikey realised. Kerching!
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Mon 25 Nov 2002, 10:52,