Go Domo!
*frantically searches music collection for a 'J-pop Surf-rock' fusion*
Skotzmun Blah blah secret passage blah blah diamonds.,
Tue 18 Oct 2005, 16:08,
Just under 2 years ago I posted that
Domo ROX
Blobcat Less Jaffacakes this year,
Tue 18 Oct 2005, 16:09,
It's lully
but are those chappies in the rowing boats all "feeding the fish"? It does look rather choppy out there.
*damn. can't find suitable music... Shonen Knife have let me down. Now if there's a post about sushi or banana chips I'm pre-researched*
Skotzmun Blah blah secret passage blah blah diamonds.,
Tue 18 Oct 2005, 16:17,