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# Another teabag!
Using skill, another teabag and field tactics you can truly conquer that damn renegade milk! Failing that you can always go mental and break stuff.
EDIT: I know! Titration is always the answer!
(, Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:00, archived)
# Dear That Nikon Fella,
I am pleased that you reponded so quickly. Your solution is a good one but should I use a bigger cup and add a small amout of extra water? If I put the tea bag in my currebt cup I think that just might make a cup of extemely strong but milky tea.

Yours sincerly,

The Duke of Prunes
(, Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:09, archived)
# Dear Duke Of Prunes,
I am glad to be of some service. I would suggest using a little hot water to diffuse extra tea into your overly milky cup. Or you could also brew some in a tea pot and pour a little amount of black tea into the milky tea in small increments.

Yours sincerely,

That Nikon Fella

(, Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:21, archived)
# Dear that Nikon Fella,
I am pleased that you repsponded so quickly to my letter but I am sorry to say that I decided upon a solution suggested by Shambla. However, I shall bear in mind your solution for any similar tea disasters which may occur in the future.

Many thanks,

The Duke of Prunes.
(, Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:30, archived)