Sounds ace!
whats happening with all your other stuff?
And how are generally?
Cocodaye Miasere likes chips and peas,
Thu 2 Feb 2006, 11:26,
Told not to.
Must apply ointment and oat-flakes.
JollyJack - a stench from the past,
Thu 2 Feb 2006, 11:35,
Is that ointment that is made from apples,
Or have I just tried to make a joke with two words that sound different when said out loud but when written could easily be misconstrewed if taken out of context?
Cocodaye Miasere likes chips and peas,
Thu 2 Feb 2006, 11:37,
i'm not sure
Does not compute.
Nonny Mouse. -- Scared as a Shitting Scorpion,
Thu 2 Feb 2006, 11:46,
Sorry, I get like that sometimes
It hides the poor joke behind long words
Cocodaye Miasere likes chips and peas,
Thu 2 Feb 2006, 11:55,