the fat boys beatboxer is dead you know, have some respect
GoldenFanjita whistle posse blow! horns crew i can't hear you!,
Mon 13 Feb 2006, 13:08,
he wasn't shot as my story implies, though
he -as you might expect- had a heart attack at a children's party.
However, the rest of my story is flawless in it's accuracy.
monkeon schmonkeon,
Mon 13 Feb 2006, 13:10,
well flavor is east coast
and tupac is westcoast
not sure what you mean about 'eastside'
i fucking love it
GoldenFanjita whistle posse blow! horns crew i can't hear you!,
Mon 13 Feb 2006, 13:12,
I hope you will be sporting a flav style clock to the blackpool bash! ;)
Mon 13 Feb 2006, 13:14,
yeah why not, BOYYYEE
GoldenFanjita whistle posse blow! horns crew i can't hear you!,
Mon 13 Feb 2006, 13:15,
shimmy shimmy yah
shimmy yo shimmy hey!
give me the mic so i can take it away
Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah!,
Mon 13 Feb 2006, 13:14,