Ooooh do me!
do meeeee!
and may I have a jaffa cake, but could I please have the orangey bit removed first?
KernKraft Gosh, there isn't much noise outside today,
Thu 4 May 2006, 19:41,
Mmmm... Roman-eqsue luxury-tastic!
EDIT: Oooooh oooh oooh - Channel 4 News are looking at virals in a min. ON NOW!
"David Hasselhoff is the undisputed King of virals". Some clips of BBDO et al. too - hurrah!
Thu 4 May 2006, 19:44,
As you asked first and so nicely too
please email me a nice big picture - my email's in my profile :)
in vino veritas,
Thu 4 May 2006, 19:48,