that was the product of a very long conference call
when it wasn't my turn to speak, I was doodling that
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on,
Wed 26 Jul 2006, 10:04,
that makes it even better
have this yay aswell
swaza I'm bad, I'm bad. You know it. I'm bad.,
Wed 26 Jul 2006, 10:05,
I'm glad somebody else
spends their time at work doodling. For me it's 20% work, 60% b3ta (you keeps me amused) and 20% drawing large breasted ladies in armour.
Scary, I'm more a 15 year old boy than I thought.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous,
Wed 26 Jul 2006, 10:06,