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# Does this mean that
Woo Yay is peeeeeeeeeeeeepuuuuuuuuuuuuuul?
(, Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:43, archived)
# Sure does...
Millions of people every day are consumed by WooYay... Help end this needless waste, submit kittens to B3ta today!

I found the source while grabbing stuff for my earlier flop-pic; originally I wanted a nice multi-frame anim but I couldn't get the hummus and the filesize to match my expectations.
(, Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:46, archived)
# I've done my duty then.
Just submitted my kitten for the day.
(, Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:51, archived)
# heh heh
(, Sun 5 Jan 2003, 20:13, archived)
# YES!
Oh thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!
(, Sun 5 Jan 2003, 20:18, archived)