Where has all my hummus gone?

This must be further devine retribution for something.
Earlier, I dropped a beautiful roast dinner all over the floor.
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:28,

This must be further devine retribution for something.
Earlier, I dropped a beautiful roast dinner all over the floor.

Or at least he should be interviewed by some betan!
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:38,

been mentioned. but I dunno if anyone chased it.
He seemed happy enough to talk to Dom Joly, so I dont see why not.
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:40,
He seemed happy enough to talk to Dom Joly, so I dont see why not.

How do you transfer money into Rob account???...I'm only a kid so I don't understand this new bank stuff...I've just moved from having a kiddies savings account ffs
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:34,

would be to print out his bank details and go into a local branch.
Some of us older folks can do such things through websites, but that usually requires a current account...
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:36,
Some of us older folks can do such things through websites, but that usually requires a current account...

...but I'm not really a kid....I just don't get this bank stuff really lol.
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:38,

you give the money to a bank.
You think they are keeping it safe, but in reality they are investing it on the stockmarket. This makes them money. They then give some of this back as interest. They also lend money to other people, charge interest on that, and earn money that way.
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:45,
You think they are keeping it safe, but in reality they are investing it on the stockmarket. This makes them money. They then give some of this back as interest. They also lend money to other people, charge interest on that, and earn money that way.

I tried to use as many different coins as possible to make it more 'interesting'... I was most upset when my mum explained what 'interest' meant and that small change had to be bagged according to denomination...
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:48,

with that lad ! , most woosome !
however , there is much wrong in dropping a roast dinner..........for shame
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:34,
however , there is much wrong in dropping a roast dinner..........for shame

I kicked some wardrobes and shouted like a right sweary mary.
I felt ridiculous standing there covered in gravy.
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:36,
I felt ridiculous standing there covered in gravy.

Gravy as an aphrodesiac, tonight on Springer!
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:42,

seems to work with "the ladies".
I have never tried this, really
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:43,
I have never tried this, really

wot I made myself from scratch and a luvverly Czech beer all over the stairs...
...I busted my hand punching it.
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:42,
...I busted my hand punching it.

i did exactly the same thing with a pizza i had made too. i nearly cried
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:52,

Psst: it's Charlton Heston in Soylent Green... which is what's on the conveyor!
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:45,

Millions of people every day are consumed by WooYay... Help end this needless waste, submit kittens to B3ta today!
I found the source while grabbing stuff for my earlier flop-pic; originally I wanted a nice multi-frame anim but I couldn't get the hummus and the filesize to match my expectations.
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:46,
I found the source while grabbing stuff for my earlier flop-pic; originally I wanted a nice multi-frame anim but I couldn't get the hummus and the filesize to match my expectations.