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# You are very worrying :o\
That is a swoop herb pic. Mmmmmmm. Class!
(, Sun 5 Jan 2003, 20:37, archived)
# I'm not saying it's a bad pic
Just that the self same thing has already been done... A shame, but it happens, right?
(, Sun 5 Jan 2003, 20:39, archived)
# It has?
(, Sun 5 Jan 2003, 20:40, archived)
# ah well
it does happen, quite often, shame.
(, Sun 5 Jan 2003, 20:41, archived)
# Oh, I see
and now I understand
/smacks self upside the head

Forgive me, I'm still almost a virgin here...
(, Sun 5 Jan 2003, 20:42, archived)
# someone
having the same idea as someone else isn't a glasscock though.
(, Sun 5 Jan 2003, 20:46, archived)
# unless that idea
was to do a picture of a glass cock.

obviously ;¬p
(, Sun 5 Jan 2003, 20:48, archived)
# It's remarkably similar...
And I didn't exactly call it a glass cock, only something equivalent...

The alternative (which I've no hope of spazzing) is sketched in 3D with Xs on each face, other than that it might even be the same source - it's difficult to know what's glass and what's not.

Oh, and I'm newish too, so now worries there.
(, Sun 5 Jan 2003, 20:50, archived)
# It's temporal mindpiss surely...
and that's no crime.
(, Sun 5 Jan 2003, 20:50, archived)