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# Do you think a pig really knows or cares
whether it is being wanked in a legitimate manner by a farm-hand, or as part of a transgressive act by a filthy pervert? This aspect of animal rights has often puzzled me.
(, Thu 7 Sep 2006, 17:10, archived)
# They have corkscrew-shaped penises, you know?
(, Thu 7 Sep 2006, 17:12, archived)
# I believe those are in fact tails.
(, Thu 7 Sep 2006, 17:21, archived)
# Don't doubt me, bitch!
(, Thu 7 Sep 2006, 17:24, archived)
# Gosh.
(, Thu 7 Sep 2006, 17:35, archived)
# I do not know
4dam, however, would be the expert.
(, Thu 7 Sep 2006, 17:24, archived)