the crappiest in the Commodor line called a Vic 20 ? (with an almighty 3kb memory).
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Thu 8 Feb 2007, 8:40,

All Commodore computers provided surprisingly good performance at their given price and the year of their release, mostly because Commodore owned the people who made the 6502 processor, and made their own custom chips, enabling them to offer significantly more computer power than most competitors for the same price. But, if that means "crappy", then you are forgetting the Commodore PET, which preceeded the VIC-20.
If you take year of release into account, the C16 is "crappiest" since it came out a couple of years AFTER the C64, has a quarter of the memory, and no sprites.
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Fri 9 Feb 2007, 14:10,
If you take year of release into account, the C16 is "crappiest" since it came out a couple of years AFTER the C64, has a quarter of the memory, and no sprites.