Hopefully getting a bigger house
Which'll be nice.
Apart from that, nothing has changed. I'm shit, really.
OH, yes. And I'm more ginger than red now. For professionalism.
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Tue 10 Apr 2007, 15:40,
Apart from that, nothing has changed. I'm shit, really.
OH, yes. And I'm more ginger than red now. For professionalism.
Titian Tits Tastic, as a mate called me in an alliterative frenzy.
It's weird being ignored by the general public. I've never been called 'OI GINGER BITCH' by chavs until recently though.
I LOVE it.
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Tue 10 Apr 2007, 15:43,
I LOVE it.
hang on!
why is she a ginger goddess
and i get called a ginger cunt?!
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Tue 10 Apr 2007, 15:44,
and i get called a ginger cunt?!