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# Why?
You think we won't see your images or something? It's not like we mong over non-bandwagon images going HURR HURR HURR BRANDOW LOL
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 18:59, archived)
# you'd be surprised
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 19:01, archived)
# I think you worry too much about this place, prodge :D
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 19:02, archived)
# with everyday that passes I care less and less
I just think this place is turning into a total shambles
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 19:06, archived)
# There are worse places on the internet to spend time on :D
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 19:09, archived)
# The golden age is never the present day.
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 19:09, archived)
# *sigh* :)
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 19:10, archived)