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# I want to do 'CAUTION: BOAT'
with an image of a man trapped under boat

but I can't be arsed and I need a cuppa
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 15:11, archived)
# do it!
go on!
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 15:12, archived)
# but I'm scared
what if the national boat league of great britain finds me?

not only does this organisation not exist but they also have a fearsome reputation for revenge!

"Don't mock the boat! don't mock the boat baby!"

and then the chainsaws
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 15:20, archived)
# hmm, i have to be honest with you
i didnt consider that outcome
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 15:23, archived)
# it would be the most likely consequence
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 15:52, archived)