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# yes, now fuck off and take yer scabby rag you call a flag with you!
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 18:17, archived)
# *burns hastily-built embassy*
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 18:18, archived)
# I pledge no allegiance to that scabby Union flag
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 18:21, archived)
# Who said we would want you to?
Get back behind your wall you hairy-arsed heathen!
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 18:22, archived)
# you liked it so much you moved to Germany..so you can shut it :D

*moonies behind the wall *
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 18:25, archived)
# The things one can see when one is standing outside of the scene...
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 18:28, archived)