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# i didn't really look at it long enough to tell.
im a lot more squeamish then most of you guys.

but it is a large bread of dog, too, so i don't know how big their feets are.
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 6:23, archived)
# The body structure suggests a kangaroo
it appears to have arms like a kangaroos, bent in a way a dog's wouldn't. The abdomen seems not right for a dog, too long maybe? And the tail looks kangarooish too if you can see that part of it obscured by the angle.
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 6:35, archived)
# no no no
i looked again it is most defiantly a dog, its feet only look like that because its sort of lost to sitting down and dog leg's bend backwards, remember the tosa dog is a very big animal.

(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 6:39, archived)
# Ah, you're totally right
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 6:44, archived)
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 7:40, archived)