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# It's on now!
We're about 10 episodes in :D
(, Tue 10 Mar 2009, 12:42, archived)
# I know..
I'm in a complete catch 22 situation though...

i) Girlfriend has never seen 24 and didn't really like it.

ii) has bought me box sets of series 1-3 for Valentines

iii) wants us to watch them, in order together

So,I either watch the new series in secret and be ungrateful, or wait and work towards it with the missus..
(, Tue 10 Mar 2009, 12:47, archived)
# So...
She doesn't like 24 but wants to watch them with you?

I'm terrible at rewatching things, it has to be quite a while after my first viewing (like a year!)
(, Tue 10 Mar 2009, 12:53, archived)
# She thought she didn't like it
(she prefers gore and hoirror to bangs and suspense)

but now apparently does.

Not complaining.
(, Tue 10 Mar 2009, 12:54, archived)
# Well, since we're already quite far in
I would suggest sacrificing a little and watching through them with her, me and the missus did that (I bought him series 1-6 the Christmas before last!) and it was ACE.

Of course, if she doesn't take to them after all you can then go watch the new series yourself, but maybe you could still watch it in secret as well as watching the earlier ones with her? They are very different set ups so I doubt it would be TOO confusing.
The only trouble with watching them from the begininng is that you're likely to find out something about Day 7 well before you're up to that point...
(, Tue 10 Mar 2009, 12:59, archived)
# I'mquite enjoying watching
them with her, and I can't remember as much of them as I thought I would, so it's all good.

And let's face it, there's shite all good coming out recently so watching something old and good is quite handy!
(, Tue 10 Mar 2009, 13:03, archived)