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# I'm suspicious about your sudden pepper love
Ever seen pepper kill a slug? Or melt ice with its bare being? Clearly, there's only one winner in this fight and it's salty salty goodness.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:54, archived)
# I like you
Salt will make a big guy make a funny face but not sit gasping for ten minutes while you beat him over the head with a cheese grater. There are few 'pepper' substitutes not of a spicy variety but there are loads of salt substitutes of an herbal variety.
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 0:05, archived)
# Exactly!
A love of salt encourages people to try the herbal varieties in life, which can only lead to good things. Pepper goes black weak white medium green strong which is both racist and dangerously close to predicting that we'll all be killed by aliens, which is a fairly frustrating thing to happen.
At the end of the day I have a feeling that the two of them will settle their differences and forge forward into a new era of condiment supremacy, using all of their spicy melty powers to hold off challenges from the poor pretenders to their throne like the confused mustards of the world.
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 0:15, archived)
# Perhaps...
But cayenne will sneak up behind them and the resulting ambush will be terrifying. Perhaps we better change allegiances now...
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 0:19, archived)
# No, we must have faith
Imagine a world devoid of salt and pepper. Is that a world worth living in? A flavourless mess of barbarism and horseradish? I don't think I could go on.
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 0:24, archived)
# Now, now...
No one said there would be no salt or pepper... simply that it would be thrown haphazardly to the background where it would quietly regroup. Until then we would be safe from red powder in exposed tender places
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 0:39, archived)