Man, that's some serious dedication..
.. Roy Castle would be proud of you.
Captain Howdy,
Mon 10 Aug 2009, 10:36,
he had better be
My fingers are bleeding.
Dr Scunner She’s a he, technically, but she’s scalding hot,
Mon 10 Aug 2009, 10:41,
I "did" an Unreal Tournament weekend, once.
My arms kept spasming @ inopportune moments for the next five days, as I struggled to resist the overwhelming urge to camp on top of my local multiplex & take pot shots @ passers by..
Captain Howdy,
Mon 10 Aug 2009, 10:51,
I'm surprised no-one pulled me up on '@'..
.. funny world, sometimes.
Captain Howdy,
Mon 10 Aug 2009, 13:55,