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# Sorry for the Fred Jaque
But does anyone know who made this:

It's not tagged and my memory is rubbish.
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 21:02, archived)
# HappyToast
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 21:06, archived)
# also,
I have learned recently that a board search by filename -- especially a unique one, will lead you to the post.
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 21:07, archived)
# Honestly,
that didn't occur to me. Thanks for the acerbic reply though.
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 21:09, archived)
# seek therapy
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 21:11, archived)
# I saw them in 1995
I wasn't impressed.
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 21:14, archived)
# acerbic?
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 21:12, archived)
# Search the filename and it will show up
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 21:07, archived)
# have you tried google?
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 21:30, archived)
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 21:33, archived)
# \o/
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 21:38, archived)
# its very hard to get tired of that :)
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 21:54, archived)