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'There are large parts of cities in this country that are now totally muslim - places where white british people refuse to go for fear of being attacked simply because they are not muslim.' - Google Maps link please
(, Sun 25 Oct 2009, 12:26, archived)
# six of one, half dozen of the other

being Asian doesn't exclude you from being a racist, or a thug -


I would imagine they have the same proportion of knuckle-draggers as any other ethnic grouping, our lot included.
(, Wed 28 Oct 2009, 1:59, archived)
# I think that often things like that are more down to poverty than race.
Certainly when I lived in Bradford, the "no go asian areas" you'd be told of had basically the same quality of life as the "no go areas" in other places where race wasn't mentioned because they were predominantly white. Usually places where you can understand people being frustrated by the bad hand they have, and thus may express this frustration with violence.

Likewise, is the attitude of those gangs (asian and white) all that different to football hooligans who choose who to attack by what team they support? It looks like people who are seeking out violence for the sake of violence and have chosen a 'team' by a random thing that separates them.

When it comes down to race, sadly it's going to be a case of violence breeding violence since the violence of the other side is going to create the "proof" that the two can't live side by side which, unquestioned, will make it ingrained.

It seems quite ironic that white racists and asian racists don't realise that they have more in common with each other than with the group they choose to assign themselves with.
(, Wed 28 Oct 2009, 13:29, archived)
# Indeed
People are quite reliable in this regard. If there's a problem, blame other groups, in descending order of difference from yourself - and pray the problem miraculously disappears before you're left on your own, having to take a long, hard look inside...

But, on the plus side, any species which can invent cheesecake cannot be all bad.
(, Thu 29 Oct 2009, 0:24, archived)