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Our pupils enjoy opportunities to take part in an ever-growing 'menu' of Education/Industry links as well as initiatives aimed at developing 'citizenship'. All pupils, including those with special needs, are strongly supported by a wonderfully committed staff who, together with the pupils (at over 1050, the school roll is at its highest ever figure) and the parents, work together in a happy, relaxed but very purposeful atmosphere. Standards are high and constantly monitored. Pupil attendance rates are high, pupil exclusion rates for poor behaviour are low. We work very hard to try to eliminate bullying and we are totally committed to the idea of taking down the barriers that might lie in the way of all pupils learning and experiencing success.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 19:28, archived)
“Each Child is Special”

At Largs Academy we will endeavour to enable all pupils to reach their full potential within a caring and safe environment, allowing them to lead fulfilled lives

Our vision will be achieved in practice by ensuring that each child is a

Successful learner
Responsible citizen
Confident individual
Effective contributor
within a culture that embraces the core values of honesty, respect, integrity and tolerance.

To help achieve the above we will….

Have high expectations of our pupils and encourage them to set high standards for themselves

Maintain good order, sound discipline and promote positive behaviour which will help to ensure that learning & teaching are effective

Meet the needs of our pupils and seek to involve them fully in the life of the school

Recognise the successes and achievements of our pupils

Communicate effectively with parents and involve them in the life of the school

Ensure that the school plays a full part in the life of the community

Continually try to improve the service we provide
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 19:33, archived)
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 19:35, archived)
# Ha ha ha ha!
He also neglected to mention that fish also have a inflatable beach ball in their bellys!
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 19:36, archived)
# LOL.
I laughed quite a lot at that.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 19:43, archived)
All parents of a child of school age have a duty to ensure a that there child attends school regularly. Attendance is recorded twice a day, morning and afternoon. Absence from school is recorded in the school register as authorised, unauthorised or temporarily excluded. We rely heavily upon parents to keep the school informed by letter or by telephone * if the child is likely to be absent for some time and to provide a note for their child's Registration teacher upon his or her return to school. The note should confirm that the reason for absence. In addition, parents should inform the school on the morning of the first day of absence.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2010, 19:35, archived)