cjcypher from United Kingdom is a male age 27 who is Straight. cjcypher has - Not Given - eyes, - Not Given - hair and is - Not Given - tall. He is Straight and is looking for somebody who is into Erotic Mail or Chat, One-on-One Sex.
Endowed: small.
Mu Dinofiddler,
Sun 31 Jan 2010, 19:47,
Rattlehead all time with the gay, forever touching,
Sun 31 Jan 2010, 19:54,
I like this.
Rattlehead all time with the gay, forever touching,
Sun 31 Jan 2010, 19:56,
Just seen your message on his blogtv channel.
You legend Mu.
Rattlehead all time with the gay, forever touching,
Sun 31 Jan 2010, 19:59,