I wish
half tempted to do one of those 'Rage against the machine' style groups telling people fuck labour and the tories and vote lib dem. but I'll probably get about 6 people joining.
Blythy Pop Quiz Hotshot...,
Wed 7 Apr 2010, 18:49,
Do it do it do it!
You'd probably single-handedly push the turnout up by a few percent.
Crystal Magnet Like a diamond geezer, but better,
Wed 7 Apr 2010, 19:08,
There are already about five. Too late. Join though!
John Q Wagonwheel Spent,
Wed 7 Apr 2010, 19:28,
Don't cries!
Just search 'Rage Against The Election'
John Q Wagonwheel Spent,
Wed 7 Apr 2010, 19:43,