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» Nov 2007 «

Living Together is one part of Alan Ayckbourn's Norman Conquest trilogy.
One of Ayckbourn's early masterpieces, a weekend getaway turns to hilarious farce with the unexpected arrival of Norman, an assistant librarian convinced it is his mission in life to seduce and satisfy women.
Set with six characters in a claustrophobic, run down country house haunted by the unseen presence of a dying matriarch, this is an example of British writing at its uproarious best.
Anyway, I'm in it, as Norman, and it looks like it's going to be stunningly funny. Reviews in the student papers will be linked to when they come through, if they're put online.
4/5 - "A good bet for a fun night at the Burton Taylor. It might not be big. It isn't even particularly clever. But it certainly is jolly good fun"
I'd guess the whole review will be on the website soon
Burton Taylor Theatre, Oxford [map]
Living Together, a play by Alan Ayckbourn
Going: Dave the Mighty (1 people).
» Nov 2007 «