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» Sep 2010 «

My band (Neon Highwire) are having a go at shooting our own music video this Saturday for our song Bear At The Bus Stop before we're getting something more professional done in a few months for our upcoming EP. This seems like the sort of thing some of you may be interested in, so I thought I'd put it up here in case anyone's around this Saturday and keen.
Musically, we sound a bit like Errors, Boys Noize & Devo. This song sounds particularly Errorsy, I'll admit (which is no bad thing, Errors are ace!).
This is the Facebook event link with the most up to date details:
Here are the details:
This is a marvelous opportunity to star in the upcoming music video for the Neon Highwire song "Bear At The Bus Stop" (
We will be sorting out both the bear and the bus stop (and filming), but what we need from you is the visually weird and wonderful. Essentially, anything that doesn't involve bears, bus stops or general bus stop attire is what we're looking for and we need as many people as possible to help out. Be who you want to be, do what you want to do, just do it on Saturday 25th September in London in front of a camera.
Turn up at the bus stop S on the South Bank next to Royal Festival Hall at 11am sharp for the full briefing. Here it is on the maps:
Bit vague, right? Well yes, intentionally so! To give you some ideas of the some examples that come to mind, we're talking:
Dressing up as pirates and swordfighting.
A game of chess on a portable fold out table.
Look good in a tux? Strut!
Eating a cake with your bare (not bear) hands.
Animal impressions.
Map reading.
As a thank you to all those who take part, there will be a thing afterwards with free beer, and everyone loves free beer, even bears.
Come along! Bring your friends! Jebus!
Oh, and why not come see us live the night before in Camden also:
South Bank, Royal Festival Hall (Stop S) [map]
Flashmobby, music videoy, free beery, Waterloo based shenanigans
Going: ma0sm (1 people).
» Sep 2010 «