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» Jul 2011 «

Crow's awful blues band again

Probably posting this a bit late in the day, but never mind. For anyone that's interested in hearing my awful blues band, White Elephant, we're playing at a comparatively swanky venue just off Charing Cross Road. Details of other bands TBC but we know we're basically opening for Ryco Saints. £5 on the door.

Edit: the clock appears to be playing up again. The event begins on Friday (1st July) at 7.30pm.

If you want to hear what we sound like, you can peruse

(, Wed 29 Jun 2011, 10:29, Reply)
Sympathy attend.

(, Fri 1 Jul 2011, 15:24, Reply)

You can tell it's been a slow afternoon on OT...

(, Fri 1 Jul 2011, 17:45, Reply)

» Jul 2011 «