b3ta.com challenge: explain stuff with maths
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This is a challengeExplain Stuff With Maths (This challenge is now closed)

explain stuff with maths

As we don't like the idea of anyone taking it easy over Christmas, this week's challenge is to explain things using maths, like this example, or to submit other mathematics-inspired imagery.

(, Wed 23 Dec 2009, 19:15)
Pages: 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# It's OK. No thanks necessary.

(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 21:31, More)
# 'ning and Merry Cristmas.

(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 21:18, More)
# not bindun?
Female = wife

wife = money

money = root of all evil


females are root of all evil (apart from big boobed ones cos that balances out the evil)

Oh knob chops. Forgot it was meant to be a pic.
(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 21:08, More)
# Calculators have come a long way since 5318008.....

My first image, sorry it's shite...
(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 20:59, More)
# How maths should be taught

(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 20:35, More)
# The facts of life explained

(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 19:57, More)
# suprise this hasnt been done yet

(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 19:32, More)
# pfft, have a pearoast

(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 18:57, More)
# Maths!

(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 18:50, More)
# Quick and a bit shit.

(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 18:11, More)
# getting lazy

(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 17:47, More)

gif (267 kb)

(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 17:44, More)
# From long ago
in the before time.

(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 16:59, More)
# I just spent longer on the toilet than I did on this compo

Click for bigger (38 kb)

(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 16:50, More)
# Understanding Figures...

(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 16:36, More)
# Logic

(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 15:09, More)
# Winner!
I'll pop this herenwotquickdirty etc

(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 15:09, More)
# Triggernomatree

(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 15:07, More)

(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 14:38, More)
# The man on the right is not David Spade, whatever you may think!
whatever you may think!
(, Thu 24 Dec 2009, 14:27, More)
Pages: 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)