b3ta.com challenge: memequake!
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Home » Image Challenge » Memequake!  [Suggest a different challenge]

This is a challengeMemequake! (This challenge is now closed)


MEMEQUAKE! Take images that are popular on b3ta or the internet in general, and combine them to create as much meme action as you can muster. Make them amazing.

(, Thu 25 Mar 2010, 11:31)
Pages: 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# I started these

...but then I thought it would be more fun let everyone have a go. Maybe pick your favourite memes and make a set?
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 22:27, More)
# :D

(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 22:26, More)
# last compo peas from me

(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 18:03, More)
# *shudders*

Go on Click it, you know you want to
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 17:59, More)
# man on the moon

(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 16:51, More)

(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 16:39, More)
# This gives me the fear.
Also, I've never compo'd this before:

(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 16:28, More)
# :D

(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 16:18, More)
# domo the 11th
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 16:13, More)
# Hahaha:D
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 15:49, More)
# he keeps trying

(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 15:41, More)
# :D
88            ad888888b,                                                                                            
88 d8" "88 ,d
88 a8P 88
88,dPPYba, aad8" MM88MMM ,adPPYYba, 88,dPYba,,adPYba, ,adPPYba, 88,dPYba,,adPYba, ,adPPYba,
88P' "8a ""Y8, 88 "" `Y8 88P' "88" "8a a8P_____88 88P' "88" "8a a8P_____88
88 d8 "8b 88 ,adPPPPP88 88 88 88 8PP""""""" 88 88 88 8PP"""""""
88b, ,a8" Y8, a88 88, 88, ,88 88 88 88 "8b, ,aa 88 88 88 "8b, ,aa
8Y"Ybbd8"' "Y888888P' "Y888 `"8bbdP"Y8 88 88 88 `"Ybbd8"' 88 88 88 `"Ybbd8"'

(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 15:41, More)
# :D

(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 15:40, More)
# apart from, of course, the b3ta band
of course the b3ta band
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 14:47, More)
# Good grief!!

(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 14:33, More)
# Shuriken!

(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 14:25, More)
# The greatest live B& ever?

(it was this or 'Red Hot Brian Peppers'...)
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 14:14, More)
# Full Metal Meme

(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 13:36, More)
# :D
steamboat willy
(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 13:35, More)
# Soo papa troo papa...

(, Tue 30 Mar 2010, 12:56, More)
Pages: 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)