b3ta.com challenge: one million years bc
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This is a challengeOne Million Years BC (This challenge is now closed)

one million years bc

One Million Years BC What with all the running around in furs and grunting at each other it appears that people didn't have time to document their lives in mindnumbing detail back in prehistoric times. Christ, they didn't even have blogs! So, using the power of photoshop and your sordid imaginations, show us what life was like back then on the messageboard.

(Fri 7 May 2004, 10:41)
Pages: 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# Burger King wasn't invented until the Bronze Age

Super size please

(, Sat 8 May 2004, 19:06, More)
# In those days..
Prehistorks were hardly seen as bringers of life

(, Sat 8 May 2004, 17:24, More)
# One Million years BD*

*Before Domo
(, Sat 8 May 2004, 17:11, More)
# b3ta message board 1,000,000 bc
(, Sat 8 May 2004, 17:06, More)

yes, it`s an age thing!
(, Sat 8 May 2004, 16:50, More)
# "Stop fidgeting woman!"

(, Sat 8 May 2004, 16:16, More)
# Meet Ugbert. When not cubbinn, he likes blinkin.

(, Sat 8 May 2004, 15:55, More)
# it's a trap

(, Sat 8 May 2004, 15:50, More)
# Oh, 1,000,000 BC...
The first didn't work, let's try scientific notation...

(, Sat 8 May 2004, 15:47, More)
# Prehistoric internet porn trawling

(, Sat 8 May 2004, 15:46, More)
# The first calendar girl ever

(, Sat 8 May 2004, 15:15, More)
# Which is which?

(, Sat 8 May 2004, 14:39, More)
# 1,000,000 BBC
170k's worth of BBC logos
- Oh, 1 million BC...

[mod edit: please try and keep the filesize of pics down to
(, Sat 8 May 2004, 14:36, More)
# We would have evolved so much better...

(, Sat 8 May 2004, 14:32, More)
# Welcome to the cathedral, the cathedral of PROG!

(, Sat 8 May 2004, 14:01, More)
# .

(, Sat 8 May 2004, 13:59, More)
# 88MPH

and ofcourse 1.21 Gigawatts

/first photoshop attemt , be gentle.
(, Sat 8 May 2004, 13:54, More)
# One Million Years BmC (Before max Clifford)

(, Sat 8 May 2004, 13:52, More)
# couldnt resist it

wish i had now
(, Sat 8 May 2004, 13:48, More)
# Bargain!!

Two compo's for the price of one!!

/coat, hat and scarf

EDIT :sorry for biggyness. any better?
(, Sat 8 May 2004, 13:31, More)
Pages: 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)