b3ta.com challenge: real world photoshopping
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This is a challengeReal world photoshopping (This challenge is now closed)

real world photoshopping

Real World Photoshops. Come on, get off your behinds and go out there and take us some photos of things you've 'photoshopped' for real. Grab your friends, soft toys or the vegetables that talk to you and make us something funny. Post your scans on the messageboard.

(Fri 9 May 2003, 11:11)
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# it was so nice I did some shopiary in the garden at the weekend

(, Mon 12 May 2003, 10:27, More)
# ...


I never got round to posting this at the weekend.
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 10:24, More)
# For t'compo
The day they stole my hair.

(, Mon 12 May 2003, 9:31, More)
# Wouldn't it be awful
if I reposted one of my paintings (that I sold to a B3tan) for the compo.

Its lucky I don't do things like that.
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 9:23, More)
# If I remember correctly....

What's going on is that the cat is perched on my ass, my youngest is peeping round my feet and my oldest is taking the picture....I think...
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 8:40, More)
# ta
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 8:29, More)
# Really should quit!!

(, Mon 12 May 2003, 8:25, More)
# Certainly not taken with the compo in mind

But you can take these kinds of silly pictures on the 94th floor of the Hancock building in Chicago.
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 5:18, More)
# Wrestling's not gay!

(, Mon 12 May 2003, 3:20, More)
# Thread-jacking re-compost: I actually went to the effort of posing my kitten on my laptop just so I could make this spong of her:
I think my laptop's got a virus
(, Mon 12 May 2003, 2:16, More)
# Karaoke!

OK I admit it. I tape things to my face all the time. This makes MSN voice convos a lot easier, and allows me to dance like Madonna in her 'Like A Virgin' video, without losing contact. Lord I need a job.

(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:36, More)
# Bionic Man!

Yes, so. With my head full of what if's, I drew upon the services of a friend to see if I could better my ciggy packets to head phenomenon. So with my last remaining ciggy packet and a 1979 original model Kitchen Devil. I created this.

(, Mon 12 May 2003, 0:18, More)
# Mmm, heat...

None of your conventional hot-wire toasters for me, mine works on superheated gas plasma...
(, Sun 11 May 2003, 22:41, More)
# even if i am the only one who finds the fact that my mental health medication
calls me a retard rather funny, i am still going to enter it in the competition.

evening all. spent today at the cricket, and Glamorgan spent an unusually long time in the same position, at 69. I found that entertaining in my own lonely little way.
(, Sun 11 May 2003, 22:39, More)
# repost for compo
(I asked below about this, and no-one said they minded...)

This is a freaky toy belonging to my daughter.

(, Sun 11 May 2003, 22:39, More)
# Mmmm gotta get that Nicotine rush!

Yeah so I desperately wanted to make a real world fotoshop, so i gathered my props and set to it, but was then stuck for inspiration. I thought I'd have a ciggy to calm me down but all I could find were empty packets. To wit, my mind works in sick and mysterious ways.

What else can I tape to my face?? Check out johnandbaz.com for more of the same.
(, Sun 11 May 2003, 22:29, More)
# i just finished making this

click for the full thing

i was putting some music onto a cd for a friend, and sat there, and had some paper next to me so i cut out some shapes, coloured them in, and stuck them onto the cd with doublesided tape. i'm not exactly sure how she's meant to listen to the cd now, though. or how i'm meant to get it to school without destroying it tomorrow.

and the picture quality's not the best, cos my camera doesn't like the indoors
(, Sun 11 May 2003, 22:23, More)
# Earlier today:

(, Sun 11 May 2003, 22:11, More)
# One stale donut, coming right up

I know, could be better, but it was raining and cold and and and...
(, Sun 11 May 2003, 22:03, More)
# i found this in my garage...

judging from the bag, i would guess it has some diabolical gardening purpose, but i can't imagine what it would be
*100% actual photo of hummus. with one m.*
(, Sun 11 May 2003, 22:02, More)
Pages: 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)