b3ta.com challenge: real world photoshopping
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This is a challengeReal world photoshopping (This challenge is now closed)

real world photoshopping

Real World Photoshops. Come on, get off your behinds and go out there and take us some photos of things you've 'photoshopped' for real. Grab your friends, soft toys or the vegetables that talk to you and make us something funny. Post your scans on the messageboard.

(Fri 9 May 2003, 11:11)
Pages: 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# I made this

Then I cooked and ate him.
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 21:49, More)
# This is Steve in Wyoming

Used to see Steve from my office window, abandoned, sat in the rain and snow on a flat roof until I rescued him a few years ago. Also have Steve in Africa if I can ever find the photos
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 21:49, More)
# on my vacation

i was attacked by MECHA GODZILLA
dont think i understand the theme..
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 21:43, More)
# NSFB (not safe for bears)
Clarence makes his way onto the b3ta fluffy toys scene with an explosive entrance - softcore porn

take that, Humphrey and Duncan
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 21:38, More)
# Description of current mood
please, Tarantino fans, don't bitch about this or my evil spirit will come and punish you BWA HA HA

oh yeah and I thought it might fit into the competition ...
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 21:36, More)
# Olby
in his second adventure.....

(, Fri 9 May 2003, 21:25, More)
# Crappy art..

My life size painting of Darth Maul,
keeps those pesky Jedis from coming
into my room
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 21:24, More)
# A vital PC accessory for Single Men
The PC requirement for all singles males
The Cria-Masturbatron from Pootle Industries
there may be a better version when there's enough daylight for my camera to work
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 21:22, More)
# They just can't take a joke can they?

(, Fri 9 May 2003, 21:20, More)
# Space Monkey Smash!

(, Fri 9 May 2003, 21:18, More)
# and orville

(, Fri 9 May 2003, 21:12, More)
# semi repost for compo, freakachu

how he was made, including giggle-box video
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 21:11, More)
# Artamnesia's kitty is lovely.
sniff, miss mine. gone to kitty heaven

(, Fri 9 May 2003, 21:04, More)
# Y'know

they don't just stay on like you might think they would.
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 20:57, More)
# Umm

Clicky for bigger!
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 20:54, More)
# i think ive killed him!

(, Fri 9 May 2003, 20:52, More)
# It was a good idea at the time.

Strangely, people question me when I use photoshop at work.

But they never ask why I want to use the guillotine.
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 20:49, More)
# My lunchtime-toys...

They fight, often. Sometime Marge Simpson and a teeny basket-ball player have to intervene.

My lunchtimes are great.
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 20:40, More)
# it dropped right on my camera...

is this ok for the comp? i took the photo of the sky, made the dude and took his photo but wasn't able to throw it from such a great height so some editing was required... :-)
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 20:38, More)
# Hey who stuck that stick up my ass

(, Fri 9 May 2003, 20:34, More)
Pages: 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)