Beautiful video. Rare glimpse of the spring in the wild. So used to seeing only domesticated ones.
Lovely usage of the turtle sexing audio sample, btw. Music is from Incompetech, no?
(intesvenskcan't recall when I last checked the newsletter, Mon 3 Jun 2013, 19:32,
I get no sound! :(
(mr.dogshitThe world's premier anthropomorphic canine faeces, Mon 3 Jun 2013, 19:58,
Just imagine
soothing music and turtle sexing
(intesvenskcan't recall when I last checked the newsletter, Mon 3 Jun 2013, 20:06,
Foolish behaviour really. They're pretty territorial
And yes, probably used on 1000s of videos on YT already!
(BarryFromTheShitFarmOh, Mon 3 Jun 2013, 20:10,
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