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This is a normal post I'm not entirely sure this is the time or place, but this comment over their struck a chord:
"I found UsVsTh3m when Rob Manuel was heavily promoting it through the B3ta newsletter. Not bad overall, nice mix of lists, quizzes, and games. A good timewaster, with some stuff worth sharing. Unfortunately, the "Us" content gradually moved away from the good things (like the games - these were the USP of the site) towards hand-wringing-social-justice-warrior-claptap ("this portrayal of a woman in it is NOT OK" sort of thing), and repetitive, tedious lists ("here's yet another ten reasons why Ukip are racist" or "five ways the Tories will kill the poor"). Basically, it turned into a crap Buzzfeed written by 20 year-olds who rely too much on safe spaces and trigger warnings. Shame how it turned out."

In part because it feels that's where and why it lost it's lustre for your average bod who just want's a moment spared from work; though to be honest the change sounds more like something from above dictating change that way, especially after they were moved to the mirror site.

Rob has always seemed like one of the lads with a natural leaning to the left throughout the years i've seen him on b3ta, but he's never come across as someone who was up to shoving his political ethos to much down your gob, which is where this seems to have gone.
(, Wed 13 May 2015, 23:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post Not so sure,
this isn't a great example, but I felt it revealed him to be a rather blind "Islam is 'A' OK and anyone who says otherwise is an evil racist." I'm not talking about the link, but the thread. You are in it, and seem to be on board with Rob.
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 1:32, , Reply)
This is a normal post You're right, not a great example

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 9:32, , Reply)