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This is a normal post No, the headline is trying to imply Corbyn is to blame for Cameron's bad choices
It's so insanely twisted right-wing agenda it doesn't know which way it's going. But then Cameron was the one having a hissy fit a few years back that he couldn't get agreement to bomb the other side in the same fucking war!
(, Tue 1 Dec 2015, 20:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post No.
I disagree. The headline makes clear that Corbyn's lack of leadership and authority means that Labour are in disarray and lacking in unity, thus Cameron will get his way due to the absence of a coherent opposition. Just as Diane Abbott said. He has no authority, and by extension nor do his whips.
(, Tue 1 Dec 2015, 20:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post The government's foreign policy, as you say, is a joke
But it's the opposition's job to get in the way of bad decisions. Corbyn has proved he'd rather cling on to leadership than do the right thing. His one redeeming quality - that he was a man of conviction - has gone out the window at the first sniff of power.
(, Tue 1 Dec 2015, 20:45, , Reply)