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This is a normal post That last sentence
exactly encompasses how obsessed people are with money. We live in such a materialistic society that it's now paramount to earn as much money as possible when it's perfectly enjoyable to live off just enough (I'm doing that at the moment!)

Obviously, don't throw out your car if you need it for work. But if everyone contributes slightly (e.g. recycling, composting, driving your car a little less) then it has a big effect. Simple.
(, Fri 16 Nov 2007, 23:48, Reply)
This is a normal post I know your right.
But its more than that. I'm made to feel that I'm evil because I don't live in a tree and survive off my own farts.

It seems that every company is suddenly 'green' - banks, clothes, the lot. And its all bollocks. I'm sure there are some companies that mean it but to me its one massive bandwagon and I'm bored of it.

I love my car - I NEED me car - I'm not driving a shitting Pirus or a VW van (which emit 12 times more CO2 than a 325 BMW by the way)

EDIT - Also I like to try to earn as much as possible - Not greedy, I just kind of see money as an indicator of how well I'm doing career wise. Thats not to say I see people who don't earn much as losers just I hope to be one of the best at what I do. I'll probably give most of the money away.
(, Sat 17 Nov 2007, 1:41, Reply)
This is a normal post That's one of the big problems about global warming arguments!
The "fight global warming" people are often lumped in with environmentalists. And the agendas get confused. Someone might say "we need to do XYZ for global warming" but actually the global warming is an excuse, with the justification that XYZ is good for the environment anyway.
This kind of dilutes the global warming thing. If global warming is as serious as we are lead to believe, then it's way more important than the usual environmental issues of potential damage to plant and animal life. (Since it's actually potentially damage to us.)
Also, the solutions given by environmentalists are, well, the sort of things they encourage anyway. Like giving up cars and stuff, other things we like having. More realistic solutions would be things like - industrial CO2 sequestration, more nuclear power stations, diverting some of the funds used to collect oil (e.g. Iraq war fund) to improving the most realistic alternative energy sources.
(, Sun 18 Nov 2007, 17:11, Reply)