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This is a normal post Yes mate. That onion vid was very sophisticated satire. Really arch invective.
You know you’ve exposed your idiocy, so now you claim I don’t get an entirely different sketch, about an entirely different subject. The Brass Eye sketch actually is sophisticated satire, that works on many levels, and contains much more parody (not the same thing as satire, although I doubt you know the difference). This is how your sophistry always goes, fatuity exposed, you try and shift the focus onto something else. Comparing that profoundly lowbrow and infantile onion skit to Brass Eye is just moronic. Brass Eye was so very funny because it was clever, but superficially appeared to be just silly. The onion is just puerile. The onion is much more your level.
(, Fri 19 Jul 2024, 14:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post are you still going on?
"relying on the sophistication of the audience" just means that the producers are assuming the audience has sufficient intelligence not to mistake satire for direct comment. I know it's a subtle difference, between that and saying the satire is sophisticated, but that's why people do their english gsce.
They even explicitly signpost one joke just in case, with the newsreader saying "the average well adjusted gay man does not engage in spreading fecal matter...but these are particularly repressed". This isn't to add to the humour, but for the benefit of particularly slow viewers so that they won't misinterpret this as a comment about all gay men, though still operating somewhat above your level it seems.
I think the parallels are obvious between the two sketches, both pretend to be real news and mimic their respective country's formats and style, but both deal with a fictious subject, a fake drug crisis or gay prostitution surge, and both have targets that are real and hypocritical. The difference is the brass eye has less parody, using real celebrities to make its point while the onion uses actors to play the prostitutes. Bernard manning is not parodying himself, he's genuinely taken in by the fake premise. I know these terms can be difficult. As to your opinion about the two shows, thanks for sharing, but I'd put a bit more stock in someone who demonstrates they understand them first.
(, Fri 19 Jul 2024, 23:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post Am I still going on?
Bit rich from the most long winded bore on /links. Just do a word count mate. I’m surprised you hadn’t done your old trick of deleting the most fatuous of your replies. Anyway can’t talk now- I’m trying to understand the sophisticated satire of the onion. Republicans are coprophiliacs! What could it possibly mean?
(, Sat 20 Jul 2024, 15:45, , Reply)
This is a normal post Good, you’ll get there eventually
We all learn at our own speeds
(, Sat 20 Jul 2024, 23:46, , Reply)