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This is a normal post Well its good to hear that there is a human being out there with such unwavering surety about ever nuance of their life, you should run for office
A confrontational woman comes up to him, he politely explains his stance on issues, removes himself from the situation has a wee moan about the confrontational woman in private. Then when Jeremy Vine plays back a clip of him having a wee moan about the woman, he apologises for any offence given by his wee moan but reiterates that her comment on immigration annoyed him. What the hell is hypocritical about that?

I readily accept that Gordon Brown is going to get attacked on issues on policy, as he should. What I think is ridiculous is him getting a kicking over this (as he will) or the Elvis thing, they got an Elvis impersonator to rally the Labour activists, he comes in after all ready leaving the room after his speech to shake some people hands, Newsnight then describe it as Elvis singing as Brown's introduction before his speech. Thus making a little bit of entertainment for Labour activists into their leading story. *bursts a vessel so irate*
(, Wed 28 Apr 2010, 14:31, , Reply)