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This is a normal post Ketchup might have worked
But I think ketchup has more of an orangey coloration when it's diluted. I also think that when you add water to ketchup, ketchup doesn't stay thick or thicken it up. If anything, I would have needed Caro syrup, which I didn't have. I usually make syrupy blood, but my SFX kit has been low on supplies (same with my kitchen) for some time and I haven't had the money to stock it.

Also, ketchup gives me hives. Once while making a short film for school, I had to fit myself in a dryer while covered in ketchup to act as blood (because it was black and white 16 mm film and we didn't have chocolate) and I discovered that my skin is allergic to it. So after that, I don't really use ketchup regardless if I am in the film or not... And I'm not sure I had any.
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 13:38, , Reply)