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This is a normal post How do you buy a house
without personal debt? I had a nice job (10 years or so), I got married and we took out a mortgage. Then my partner went to prison so to keep my home (why should I lose it? I had done nothing wrong) I had to pay all the bills where they had been previously shared. I took on two extra jobs, and just got by.
But then I got made redundant from my main job. The redundancy just carried me over until I managed to get another job, less money. Three years later: redundant. I got another job. 5 years later? Redundant. This time, finding work was even more difficult so I took what I could. I ended up a qualified areospace engineer working in a clothing warehouse... that is, until I was made redundant. Now I run a charity and the council have just announced a 30% cut in our grant.
What I'm getting at is although I have worked hard all my life and have never signed on or claimed a benefit, I am still up to my ears in debt. There wasn't really any other way to survive.
(, Mon 14 Feb 2011, 13:32, Reply)