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This is a normal post Wow, just wow, abridged version: 'I'm the fucking president, who the fuck are you!?' hahaha!
I watched all of that, it actually captured my interest, a fucking politician's speech actually gripped me FFS! Belly laughs aside, it really does instill in me some hope that America has some real solid direction from a guy with a firm grip upon what really matters in the world and a good sense of his place within it.

And weirdly, he seems to get what, 'Taking the piss' is, which is usually way down the list for Merkins!

This might be the first time in living memory I feel they have the better leadership!

A part of me hopes he takes on the military, but another part of me hopes he doesn't, as I suspect he'll go the same way as Kennedy if he does, but America really needs to get sorted out in that dept the most if it's to convince the rest of the world that they're not the devil they need to smite, but for the first time in ages I feel like they might've got the fantasy president they always like to portray to the world in their media!

Best of luck to him!
(, Sun 1 May 2011, 13:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post This with nobs on
I'm a Brit living in the US and sadly, people here unbelievably still see him as a johnny foreigner figure because he's black. I see him as a very articulate determined and capable individual that's pulling the U.S. up from it's bootstraps.

He's spent the last 4 years fixing Bush's fuck ups. Fingers crossed we re-elect him for another 4 years and we'll see some progress.
(, Mon 2 May 2011, 4:38, , Reply)