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This is a normal post the only real winners in AV/PR...
are the inevitably larger political class, and the accordingly over-represented minortities. remind me, what was the voting system that got that lunatic fringe nutjob nick griffin a seat in the european parliament? he wouldn't have had a chance in hell under FPTP.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 19:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post He got with less votes than the BNP recieved the previous time because of voter apathey
Which is partly due to the unrepresentative nature of FPTP (EDIT:apathy toward politicians with the scandals of the time effected that election I mean). If people felt that their vote mattered even a little they might be more inclined to use it. I see no problem with AV, in a fair number of seats it wouldn't change a damn thing, take Anne McIntosh for instance who regularly get 52% in her seat. It retains the constituency link, makes MP's work harder for their votes, allows people to express their actual political leanings rather than having to vote tactically.

(I'm not invoking Godwins law here, so don't take offence :p)You're argument about the inefficiency of coalition is basically the thin end of the wedge of arguments such as promoting a vanguard party or dictatorship of the proletariat, or fascist regime. I never understand how 'more democracy' is somehow a bad thing? As with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, you might not like the outcome, but if its representative (which you cannot argue FPTP is) the means surely justify the ends?
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 19:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post tl;dr
i joke, i joke.
i read everything you said.
apathey? apathy surely?
compulsory voting?
not for me.
they say 'doing nothing is not an option'.
but it is.
*does nothing*
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 22:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post Apologies for the spelling
Compulsory voting is tempting to me, but yeah you're right people should be allowed to not bother if they want, and but as I say that's what let Griffin in. I'd like an end to FPTP but I think we're stuck with it for a while now. Votes at 16 might instil people with a sense of civic duty and improve turnout
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 23:30, , Reply)