Cigarettes, gambling, porn and booze. What's your addiction? How low have you sunk and how have you tried to beat it?
Thanks to big-girl's-blouse for the suggestion
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:42)
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My first chemical addiction was coffee, not cheap coffee though and most certainly not that Coffee and Chicory shite that they sell to poor folk. I liked my coffee like tar, strong and black. Milk in coffee was anathema to me and frankly I think that any one who puts milk or cream in coffee is a heathen. My coffee addiction started to get worse after leaving Uni, it started with trying different brands, then it was different brands for set times of the day. Come the end I was drinking between twenty and thirty cups of coffee per day and with each cup my Migraines grew worse. I failed to link them at that stage and complained bitterly about my exploding head pains as I sipped down another tar like black coffee. Finally it twigged and I decided to give up coffee, which hurt. As with any addiction, the body acclimatises the the constant presence of what ever chemical you are administering to yourself. Coming off of coffee was an unpleasant couple of days of stress and head pain. I went from thirty cups a day to nothing in a weekend. Work the next week was hard, no coffee... I think it took me about six months before I decided that I no longer missed the stuff. These days, it has to be very good quality filter coffee to stir my taste buds into craving a cup.
My next addiction was Resident Evil on the Playstaion. It started innocently enough, but quickly grew into long hours of gaming and when I finally turned the thing off, dreaming about Chris Redfield or Clair whateverhernamewas too. Final nail in the coffin was playing R.E. 2 from start to finish in twenty six hours with no rest or sleep and only stopping for the occasional wee break. I became a monster and once I realised what the fuck I was doing, I gave the PS to my sister and now stay away from games for the sake of my sanity.
One addiction I know I can never give up is the feeling of riding my Mountain bike down rocky trails as fast as I am capable of. I know that I will never be good enough to be competitive or actually serious enough to actually train, but I do love my weekly dash down the local muddy slope to arrive back home covered from head to toe in mud, filth and the occasional dog turd if I am unlucky. I love my Mountain bike almost as much as I love my human friends, although I would not put one of them in the bin or leave them in a hedge if they broke a vital limb!
My name is Jayne and I am an addict.
Oh one last thing. I once took an ex to an AA meeting, which frankly freaked me out. I am so glad I have never been addicted to recreational drugs or alcohol. However I have been addicted to proscribed pain killers, despite my GP telling me that I would be fine. Coming off of Pregabeline was the worst experience of my life. I threw up so often that it lost all of its fun...
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 21:47, 1 reply)

If you want milk and sugar, why'd you ask for coffee?
*sups black freshly ground unadulterated joe*
*then drinks coffee*
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 23:38, closed)
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