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This is a question Addicted

Cigarettes, gambling, porn and booze. What's your addiction? How low have you sunk and how have you tried to beat it?

Thanks to big-girl's-blouse for the suggestion

(, Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:42)
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Where do I start?
I'm like many on here and addicted to coke. The fizzy liquid variety and not the white dust variety. Unlike most on here, I prefer the fully leaded stuff as opposed to diet.

I also used to smoke and drink a fair bit. Have quit both, and have been sober for ten months (woohoo!).

Lastly, I'm getting addicted to adrenalin rushes through unusual ways. Like free-running and airsoft (getting shot at with BB guns, for those who don't know.), although I try to keep those two separate a lot of the time. I'm not entirely sure where this is going to end up, although it could be amusing.
(, Fri 19 Dec 2008, 23:08, 2 replies)
on the ten months sober.
I have seen the pain alcoholism causes and I salute you.

Good luck with the Free Running, seen that and it looks very very hard.
(, Sat 20 Dec 2008, 0:49, closed)
Thanks a lot!
The main thing that made me give up alcohol was basically seeing how much my eldest brother was affecting the family with his drinking problems and then realising that I was drinking more than him. Thats the main reason I got a wake-up call and quit drinking.

I think when the one year anniversary rolls around I'm gonna get a tattoo to celebrate the day, and get a permanent reminder of when I stopped. That sounds very egotistical but it is definitely something I want to celebrate.

Free running is pretty hard at first, and can be pretty nasty at times if you misjudge a gap but the adrenalin rush is great, and definitely worth the pay-off of scrapes and bruises.
(, Sat 20 Dec 2008, 1:48, closed)

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