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This is a question Where Did It All Go Wrong?

Woocfot asks: Tell us all about that turning point in your life when it started going downhill. Yeah, that drunken conversation with my dad when he suggested I become a civil servant. Dammit, I could have been an astronaut

(, Thu 28 Feb 2013, 11:32)
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I agree. But...
firstly it's a community & as everyone knows it takes all sorts to make a community. I'm guilty myself of adding fuel to the flames in my own way of trying to tackle the shit-flinging.

Secondly - we each contribute and take something away from our b3ta [qotw] experience. People like Rory, AB and Shambolina (amongst others) clearly get something out of coming here, otherwise they'd just get bored & drift away. I could say "don't feed the trolls" here but I've served them up 4 course banquets before.

Finally - "Ignore" is your friend.
The reason I don't use it is the fact that now when a troll has a sub-thread where they get ripped a new one by some of the more intelligent b3tards here you can't see any of the posts. You open a post with say 50 replies and see about 5 & you just know that someone in that thread somewhere is pwning someone like Shambone. I'm a rubber-neck like that - can't stand to think I might be missing out.
The irony here is that Shambella has me on ignore but I just logout - strangely enough he continues to reply to my posts. Whilst ignoring me...
Otherwise if you get sick of someone's post whack 'em on ignore, never have to deal with them again.

Personally I quite liked my analogy of the pub. Nice place to get drunk - but you wouldn't want to meet your mates there.
(, Mon 4 Mar 2013, 5:12, Reply)

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