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This is a question Awesome teachers

Teachers have been getting a right kicking recently and it's not fair. So, let's hear it for the teachers who've inspired you, made you laugh, or helped you to make massive explosions in the chemistry lab. (Thanks to Godwin's Lawyer for the suggestion)

(, Thu 17 Mar 2011, 11:18)
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One at a time, my teachers in rhyme
The Christian chemistry teacher
was gentle and placid and kind
He took our mild misbehaviour
and never really seemed to mind
until the day he erupted,
he raged and spluttered and spat
just because I pointed out
he looked a lot like a postman named pat.

The French mistress was a sexy cliche,
busty and pretty and French
With her tight blouses and short skirts
creating the look of a fine serving wench
I remember the day she made my friend
Steve stand outside of the class
just because he had the cheek
to say that she had a nice arse.

Mr Candross was the fierce PE teacher
who left us all shaking in fear
but not as much as the other one who,
while I showered, stared at my rear
And even he was an improvement on the
supply teacher with the tracksuit bright red
who got irrationally angry at his silly nickname
which was just simply, old Onion Head

The Stormtrooper who taught me physics
I know I have mentioned before
He was the first one shot dead in Star Wars,
not the one clunking his head on the door
The last science teacher was old Mr White,
all old and frail and short
we used to draw cocks on his blackboard,
he was too slow, so we never were caught.

One art teacher had a beehive,
one other only wore black
another wore hemp and hessian
and looked like she was wearing a sack
The final one I only knew briefly,
one day she was there, then was not
She left in a hurry after getting knocked up
by a hair sixth former named Scott
(, Wed 23 Mar 2011, 14:52, 8 replies)
arse and class don't rhyme

(, Wed 23 Mar 2011, 14:54, closed)
They do where I come from...I is posh.

(, Wed 23 Mar 2011, 14:57, closed)
Pronounce "ass"

(, Wed 23 Mar 2011, 15:04, closed)
Fecking Northerners...

(, Wed 23 Mar 2011, 15:05, closed)
As northern as Shakespeare

(, Wed 23 Mar 2011, 15:07, closed)
No mention of a poetry teacher
....just sayin' that's all
(, Wed 23 Mar 2011, 15:01, closed)
Funny that.
If I'd had one of them, this would have been far less painful for you to read.
(, Wed 23 Mar 2011, 15:04, closed)
I like
this! *click*
(, Thu 24 Mar 2011, 13:11, closed)

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