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This is a question Blood

Like a scene from The Exorcist, I once spewed a stomach-full of blood all over a charming nurse as I came round after a major dental operation. Tell us your tales of red, red horror.

(, Thu 7 Aug 2008, 14:39)
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When I was in the Army (some years ago!)

As some of you know I served for my country as a Military Policeman.

Liked by some, hated by others (the uniform) I was very fair I might add!.

Anyway, one Friday night in Chichester we get a phone call off Shore Patrol in Southampton saying that our boys are kicking off on some sailors and could we come and give them a hand.

No probs, it's only 30 mins away with blues on so off we sped (3.0 Omega if you care to know)

So we get there and all hell's breaking loose and to cut a long story short I got bottled by one of my own (little fucker! I got revenge at the glass house, but that's another story) and was knocked out cold.

Blood? Plenty, but the real problem occurred when I went to the hospital 3 months later for a check up.

The Doctor noticed that although my head had healed nicely not all of the hair around the area had grown and suggested I have another operation to sort it out, so I agreed.

Roll on 6 months and I get to the M.O.D hospital at Southampton and await my fate, I was let into this room and the Doctor put this white towel around my neck and I was told to lie on my front and I was given a local anaesthetic, the operation went well and the doctor sat me up and asked if I was OK? I said fine and he said he would go and get a nurse to clean me up, so off he popped.

So there I am sat on this surgery table feet dangling over the edge, when I notice a mirror on the wall in font of me, what possessed me I don't know but I sat up a bit higher and looked at my self.

The first thing I noticed was the white towel was now red and the second thing was the trolley of surgical instruments heading towards me at a rate of knots.

I'd fainted - Yes, me! Someone who's seen bodies with holes in them, fainted at the sight of his own blood.

Thankfully I only glanced off the trolley, but it was the nylon carpet that did the most damage, I had a carpet burn down the right hand side of my face that most knee's would be proud of!

It took a few years to shake of the abuse I got off my colleagues for that one let me tell you.

All better now - although the hair still doesn't grow there for some reason, but ho hum, at least I'm OK.

(, Thu 7 Aug 2008, 15:48, 3 replies)
You should be proud
You were set upon by MOD doctors and didn't walk out with more problems than you went in for ;)

(, Thu 7 Aug 2008, 23:44, closed)
Trying desperately ...
... to get "redcap" in there. That, and
"Look at the monkey,
Funny red monkey
Look at the monkey
In the zoo"

(, Fri 8 Aug 2008, 13:40, closed)
Never heard any of those terms before.

Aren't some of them really funny??

(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 11:07, closed)

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